G’day and welcome to Backyard Gardening . My name is Daniel and this is a bit about my garden. I’ve had a veggie patch for as long as I can remember and loved spending time playing and experimenting in the backyard. Today, I have a small block in the south of Perth to grow my own produce and enjoy. Each season, something else develops. A little more lawn is cut out to make room for more garden, the aquaponics gets expanded or improved, I find a new plant I’ve never heard of before to try.
Stay tuned to my page for tips, tricks, comparisons and lessons learned. Comment to let me know what you think or ask a question, I’d love to hear from you.
Jap or Kent pumpkin grown over a A frame Roma tomato grown in Dutch bucket in the aquaponics A couple of Grosse Lisse Tomatoes grown traditonal aquaponic beds and dutch buckets Tomato’s grown in a arch way Lilly Pilli starting to fruit First year of Apples on my tree One of the new varieties of pumpkins i have tried this year Cucumber and Tomato growing on the arch way