Recently we were in Narrogin area and decided to go check Yilliminning Rock which I had driven past multiple time and thought it was a look at and also hoping to find a orchid or two. Yilliminning Rock is 15 minute 20km drive east of Narrogin and is well sign posted.

Yilliminning Rock is surrounded by mature open woodlands of salmon gum and wandoo which provides the homes to many species and of birds and possums. Around the base of the rock, you will granite-rock kunzea, rock she-oak, one sided bottle brush and sea urchin hakea.

Many varieties of orchids can be found growing here between July and December. They can be found from on the rock itself to the moist sheltered location the woodlands provide. We only came across on type of orchid which is a red-veined shell orchid or also known as pterostylis hamiltoni but we were also there early in the orchid season.

Yilliminning rock is a granite rock which is covered in lichen and has many mosses outcrops usually surrounded by water pools and offers great views of the surrounding bushland and farming areas. I also noticed many carnivorous plants like the sundew and drosera. There is also a picnic area on the way in called George Brockway Tree. There is a salmon gum tree here name the George Brockway Tree in honour of George Brockway who was one of Western Australia most famous foresters.