Something we have always wanted make was pumpkin pie and on the weekend, we roasted half a pumpkin on a fire and had plenty to spare, so the following day we turned it into pumpkin pie. This is a great accompaniment to your main meal, we wouldn’t recommend it for a dessert.
Preparation time 10 mins
Cook time 1 hour

1 cup of roasted pumpkin, chilled
3 eggs
1/2 a cup of cream
1/2 a cup of cheddar cheese
Parmesan Cheese

Preheat oven to 200 degrees C
Mash pumpkin
Place the mash pumpkin, eggs, cream and cheese into a mixing bowl and combine thoroughly.
Press short crust pastry into a lightly greased dish and add the pumpkin mixture.
Place in oven and cook for 30min or until the filling is set.
Sprinkle parmesan cheese over the top and cook for another 5 minute or until it melted.
Serve with steamed greens or a salad